Provided by ClarkeModet
Key types of work
ClarkeModet is a full-service provider for innovation:
- Advice and protect Intellectual Property (Analysis, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Strategy)
- Registration and management of IP rights worldwide (Registration, Maintenance, Update and Translation)
- Defense and control Intellectual Property rights (Surveillance, Analysis, litigation, Acting in official registers, judicial institutions, third parties, or other instances)
- Contentious administrative appeal, etc.
- Shield organization’s know-how using trade secrets and blockchain
- Monetize, transfer, exploitation, and profitability of intangible assets (Evaluation, Exploitation, and intermediation strategy).
- Innovate through technology and solutions to adapt to innovative global trends
- Management systems, policies, and training (Protocols, IP Management System, Data Protection Protocol, workshops and seminars, roundtables, customized training, etc.).
- Provide Regulatory Services assessment to implement your innovation in the market
- Access to Tax & Funding
- High-quality IP Technical Translation
Industry sector expertise
ClarkeModet Spain has a large client portfolio in a number of sectors and areas of activity around the world, although we would like to highlight four industries where most of our largest can be found:
- Life sciences and healthcare
- Food and Beverages
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Retail
- Computer-Implemented Inventions (CII)
- Mobility
- Energy (Oil & Gas)
- Construction and Manufacturing
- Food-Tech