Provided by Bruchou & Funes de Rioja
In the field of foreign trade we provide integral consulting services in import and export matters, including -among others- tariff classification, customs valuation, regulations regarding origin, non customs-related restrictions and regulations on imports and exports (e.g., licenses, permits and quotas), unfair trade practices (i.e., antidumping, subsidies and countervailing measures, safeguards) as well as free trade agreements.
At Bruchou & Funes de Rioja's Customs Practice, we have vast experience advising national and foreign investors on benefiting from export promotion programs, such as temporary importation for inward processing.
We are experienced in the strategic planning of foreign trade operations, and in carrying out internal audits. We can also represent our clients before all customs offices in Argentina (e.g. Salta's customs office; Province of Tierra del Fuego's customs offices), and in any administrative and/or judicial proceedings emerging thereof (e.g. defense within infringement proceedings).
We also provide advice regarding foreign exchange regulations applicable to foreign trade, and represent our clients in any related proceeding, before the Central Bank and financial institutions, among others.