
Provided by Brown Rudnick LLP

Brown Rudnick lawyers have a consistent track record of success against seemingly insurmountable obstacles in some of the most significant international and domestic litigations of our era. We are known for providing cutting-edge, creative solutions to your most difficult “bet the company” disputes. We are known as a go-to firm where others have told you that litigation is not an option.

A “Brown Rudnick case” is often fought against long odds, in which we routinely craft and implement novel theories and strategies opposite entrenched interests represented by major law firms. We draw fire power from more than 100 litigators in the United States and Europe, bringing the best of their intellect, vast experience and creativity to the most complex of financial, real estate, intellectual property and other commercial disputes.

Lawyers in other disciplines advise on key legal and industry matters that can impact dispute resolution. Our professionals routinely and successfully try cases to conclusion and, as a result, have extensive courtroom experience in jury, bench and arbitral trials throughout the world. At the same time, we staff cases efficiently and work closely with clients to make sure that clients’ expectations and the cost of each phase of a case are met and satisfied.

Ranked Lawyers at
Brown Rudnick LLP

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Litigation: General Commercial

Wayne F Dennison
Wayne F Dennison
Band 3


Provided by Brown Rudnick LLP

Edward J. Naughton

Jessica T. Lu

Rebecca MacDowell Lecaroz

Wayne F. Dennison