Provided by Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Blakes specializes in large-scale, complex and market-leading infrastructure and public-private partnership (P3) transactions across Canada, cross-border and internationally. Blakes lawyers have acted on an extraordinarily broad range of large-scale public and private infrastructure projects, including transit, roads and bridges, ports, health care, courthouses and office buildings, energy, power (renewable and thermal), nuclear, transmission, water and waste, airports, stadia, street lighting, and telecommunications and broadband.
We advise the full range of market participants in infrastructure projects, including governments (federal, provincial and municipal), equity sponsors, financial institutions, contractors, suppliers and secondary market investors.
Blakes' exceptionally broad range of experience and the depth of our practice means that we are able to anticipate and, most importantly, understand issues and problems that may arise during the course of a transaction and find constructive and practical solutions. Our public-sector clients benefit from our up-to-the-minute knowledge of issues impacting investors, lenders, builders and operators. Our private-sector clients benefit from our solid working relationship with government agencies and regulatory bodies and our insight into their positions on important issues.