Chambers Review

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Commercial Dispute Resolution - London (Bar)

Band 2

What the Team is Known For

Blackstone Chambers' barristers are au fait with all manner of commercial cases, and are also particularly noted for their acumen in the fraud, financial services, sports law and competition worlds. They regularly get their teeth into the major cases of the day, such as: Munícipio de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group (UK) Limited & Anor, the largest opt-in group action before the English courts; IMG Data Limited v Perform Content Services Limited, a breach of contract and conspiracy claim; and The Eclipse litigation, claims brought in relation to a failed investment scheme. One source praises the set as “undoubtedly one of the leading firms in the commercial litigation sphere”. Another interviewee notes that the set is “brilliant at handling the most complex and technical international disputes”.


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Notable Practitioners

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Andrew Green
Andrew Green
Band 1

He is an absolutely formidable cross-examiner.

His cross-examination skills are matchless, and his ability to read the court and present the evidence in the most persuasive and compelling way is impressive.

A joy to work with, he is incredibly sharp, commercially minded and a killer in cross-examination.

Andrew is a superb advocate. His strategic advice is always spot on.

He is very user-friendly. Clients love him and he is very much ready to roll up his sleeves.

Andrew Hunter
Andrew Hunter
Band 1

Very smart; he's a barrister with a good analytical brain.

An incredible advocate, who is bright and hard-working.

Robert Anderson KC
Robert Anderson KC
Band 2

He is a fearsome cross-examiner and a stylish advocate.

A tenacious performer, who brings a lot of dynamism to the team.

Shaheed Fatima KC
Shaheed Fatima KC
Band 2

She is a very effective advocate.

She is super-bright and very hard-working.

Shaheed is methodical and very detailed focused in how she prepares. She's also exceptional in her drafting.

There is no one at the bar that works harder than her and I am constantly amazed at the cases she is involved in. She is in pretty much every big action.

Tom Weisselberg KC
Tom Weisselberg KC
Band 2

He is very courteous and gets the court on his side.

He is really user-friendly and commercial.

He's an excellent all-around commercial silk, who really has everything you need to fight the biggest commercial cases.

Andrew George
Andrew George
Band 3

A great tactician and a very effective advocate.

Exceptional, hard-working and very user-friendly.

He is very good on interlocutory applications.

Andrew’s advocacy is clear, persuasive and precise. He knows which legal arguments to press and when to do so.

Bright and very easy to deal with.

Harry Adamson
Harry Adamson
Band 3

Harry is absolutely fantastic. He quickly becomes part of the team and his advice is excellent, from both a technical and practical perspective. His strategic acumen is a particular strength.

Harry is absolutely brilliant. A quality act, who is measured, commercial and ready to roll up his sleeves.

In a really difficult legal issue, I would trust Harry every time to deliver in a succinct way.

Robert Howe KC
Robert Howe KC
Band 3

His submissions are very measured and logical.

A calm and authoritative advocate at the peak of his powers.

Extremely well prepared, he understands all of the detail and is trusted by judges.

Robert is very strategic and thoughtful; he is able to stand back and look at the facts.

Shane Sibbel
Shane Sibbel
Band 3

Shane has a forensic attention to detail and leaves no stone unturned. He has an excellent manner with clients, and is extremely persuasive in court.

Shane is an all rounder. He is incredibly smart but still commercial.

His attention to detail is impeccable. He's extremely cerebral, highly analytical and very strategic in his approach.

Shane is sharp as a tack and easy to work with. Very knowledgeable and able to think outside of the box, he provides innovative solutions.

He is measured, considered in his advice and very collaborative.

Thomas de la Mare
Thomas de la Mare
Band 3

Forthright, considered and on top of the detail quickly.

Andrew Scott
Andrew Scott
Band 4

Andrew's advocacy has an understated eloquence, enabled by obvious expertise across a range of legal issues. He consistently offers astute analysis and is a real pleasure to work with.

A highly commercial genius – I would instruct him on every case if I could.

Andrew is exceptionally charming, excellent in court and a fantastic cross-examiner. He is someone that you want on your team.

Judges really warm to his clear presentations in court.

Andrew is very down to earth and very sensible; he's as clever as they come.

Anthony Peto
Anthony Peto
Band 4

His ability to think outside the box and be creative is genuinely second to none. His advocacy is first rate and when it comes to fraud injunctions, he is the go-to at the Bar, full stop.

He has the ability to think outside of the box in order to come up with solutions.

Tony Peto has an impressive ability to present even the most factually complex cases in a condensed and concise manner. He thinks quickly on his feet, and deftly outmanoeuvres his opponents.

Tony is a legend.

David Lowe
David Lowe
Band 4

David Lowe is a brilliant barrister with great intellectual prowess. He possesses an exceptional talent for anticipating the trajectory of legal cases with precision.

Fantastic. He gets across the detail very quickly, is cogent is his advice, and he has a masterful command of strategic issues.

His head for figures is quite impressive.

David is just brilliant. He commands a court.

Ian Mill KC
Ian Mill KC
Band 4

An excellent advocate, who is very clever and very commercial.

What's most impressive is how commanding he is – everyone listens to Ian.

Mark Vinall
Mark Vinall
Band 4

Extremely user-friendly and prepared to get stuck in.

Michael Bloch KC
Michael Bloch KC
Band 4

Michael is fiercely smart and great at strategy.

Alan Maclean KC
Alan Maclean KC
Band 5

Alan is excellent at simplifying complex issues. Also strategic and commercial in his outlook, he can grasp the bigger picture and is able to spot risks before they develop.

Clear and to the point, he's commercial and practical in his thinking and able to understand complex technical legal issues quickly. Alan is a strategist as well as a legal technician.

Andrew Trotter
Andrew Trotter
Band 5

He is just an all-round fantastic junior barrister. His written communication is fantastic, and his pleadings and skeletons are first rate. He's an absolute star of the future.

His written work and his pleadings are just unbelievably structured and put together. He is so precise and so knowledgeable for his qualification level.

Andrew is a phenomenal junior, who is exceptionally bright and in full control of his brief. He's an asset to any team and a delight to work with.

Andrew's obvious intellect and meticulous nature, coupled with his tireless effort, make him invaluable on any case. Andrew has a concise and measured advocacy style, which is incredibly effective.

He's an excellent advocate, who is both clear and concise. He takes judges through things carefully and is just something else.

Daniel Cashman
Daniel Cashman
Band 5

Daniel Cashman knew absolutely everything about the sprawling case in question and consistently came up with helpful and no-fuss solutions to problems.

He is an outstanding lawyer and an excellent advocate. He's also very personable and good at gaining the confidence of professional and lay clients alike.

Simon Pritchard
Simon Pritchard
Band 5

He takes the time to get the details right but always with the bigger picture and overall strategic objective in sight.

Tom Mountford
Tom Mountford
Band 5

All you could ask for from a junior; he's incredibly bright, keen, user-friendly and commercial.

Gayatri Sarathy
Gayatri Sarathy
Band 6

She is very responsive, nice to deal with and also very good on her feet. One to watch.

Gayatri is an incredible junior. She manages to get to grips with a huge amount of detail very quickly, has a strong legal brain and has dealt with some incredibly complex legal and factual issues.

Gayatri is an exceptional junior with a sharp intellect. She is responsive, she understands the needs of the clients and she always provides practical and effective advice.

Robert Weekes KC
Robert Weekes KC
Band 6

He gets stuck into incredibly complex matters, and his cross-examination is very impressive.

A very capable, technical lawyer.

Tom Cleaver
Tom Cleaver
Band 6

He is a junior that can go toe-to-toe with KCs.

Tom Richards KC
Tom Richards KC
Band 6

He has excellent judgement in terms of knowing how things will play out in court.

Victoria Windle KC
Victoria Windle KC
Band 6

She's brilliant on her feet, has a painstaking attention to detail and is very good with clients.

Victoria is exceptionally bright and great with clients.

Smart, responsive and good to work with.

There is not a barrister I would trust to handle complex matters with greater care than Victoria.

Fraser Campbell
Fraser Campbell
New Silks

Fraser is excellent in all regards. He is exceptionally bright, hands-on and close to the detail. He is also very good at explaining the legal position to clients in terms they will understand.

Fraser is a pleasure to work with and an exceptional thinker. He is able to grasp the intricacies of anything put before him, and he always gives sound, pragmatic advice.

Fraser is the cleverest man alive; he is brilliant.

Fraser has an excellent manner. He always appears very measured and persuasive before the judge.

He is a favourite of solicitors in shareholder disputes.

Ranked Barristers at
Blackstone Chambers

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Filter by

Silks (KC)

London (Bar)

Commercial Dispute Resolution

Andrew Green KC
Andrew Green KC
Band 1
Andrew Hunter KC
Andrew Hunter KC
Band 1
Robert Anderson KC
Robert Anderson KC
Band 2
Shaheed Fatima KC
Shaheed Fatima KC
Band 2
Tom Weisselberg KC
Tom Weisselberg KC
Band 2
Andrew George KC
Andrew George KC
Band 3
Robert Howe KC
Robert Howe KC
Band 3
Thomas de la Mare KC
Thomas de la Mare KC
Band 3
Andrew Scott KC
Andrew Scott KC
Band 4
Anthony Peto KC
Anthony Peto KC
Band 4
Ian Mill KC
Ian Mill KC
Band 4
Michael Bloch KC
Michael Bloch KC
Band 4
Alan Maclean KC
Alan Maclean KC
Band 5
Robert Weekes KC
Robert Weekes KC
Band 6
Tom Richards KC
Tom Richards KC
Band 6
Victoria Windle KC
Victoria Windle KC
Band 6
Fraser Campbell KC
Fraser Campbell KC
New Silks


London (Bar)

Commercial Dispute Resolution

Harry Adamson
Harry Adamson
Band 3
Shane Sibbel
Shane Sibbel
Band 3
David Lowe
David Lowe
Band 4
20 of 27 results