Provided by BBH, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o.
BBH has been for a long time one of the leading law firms in the M&A area. BBH has participated as a legal counsel in substantial processes in majority of the most significant transactions on the Czech market (e.g. creation of insurance joint ventures of PPF Group and Generali, acquisition of majority share of O2 Czech Republic, sale of Škoda Power, creation of joint ventures and subsequent sale of PPF’s share in Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH), acquisition of two Wustenrot insurance companies by Allianz and the subsequent unprecedented merger of these into Allianz pojistovna a.s., creation of a joint venture in the lottery business of SAZKA, or advising on the sale of Škoda Transportation to PPF, etc.)
One of the M&A highlights of recent year was serving as legal advisors to the sellers in the sale of the world’s leading virtual reality programming studio Beat Games to Facebook. BBH also acted as Czech counsel to Citrix in one of the biggest IT/IP tech transactions of 2020 - the acquisition of the project management software company Wrike (their main portfolio being located in the Czech Republic) from Vista Equity Partners for 2.25 billion USD.
BBH has advised on an absolute majority of all M&A (both acquisition and merger/demerger) transactions that have taken place in the Czech Republic – including numerous NEXTCLINIC acquisitions, SVUS Pharma demerger and sale, SynLab transactions, acquisition of several medical centers in the Czech Republic.