
Provided by Bark&co

Bark&co is one of the UK’s most progressive and successful fraud and business crime firms, and acts for high-net-worth clients in a wide range of white-collar crime and fraud cases, It is one of the most active firms in the market in relation to FCA matters, and also acts in high-profile SFO and HMRC prosecutions and investigations.

The firm became a member of the Serious Fraud Panel at its inception and senior staff are accredited as supervisors of the most serious and complex cases. Its expertise spans insider dealing/financial trading offences; money laundering; tax, mortgage, internet and pension fraud; bribery & corruption; theft; and fraudulent trading by company directors.

Its track record includes acting for individuals in prominent cases such as the Cheney Pension fraud; the high-profile Asil Nadir case (including acting for Ersin Tatar in connection thereto); the US$1bn BAE Systems corruption claims; the Adoboli case; and Marrache & Co. 

The firm also acted for acted for a defendant in the SFO prosecution following the Libor scandal; represented key individuals in the high-profile SFO investigations into alleged corruption at Rolls-Royce; acted in the major carbon trading fraud case R v F & Others; and acted for Boris Becker in relation to criminal charges brought by the Insolvency Service following his bankruptcy. It also won, in 2022, a landmark Supreme Court victory for a HNW client concerning the extent to which suspects of crime are entitled to privacy.

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Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals

Giles Bark-Jones
Band 2
David Byrne
Band 4


Provided by Bark&co