
Provided by Ashurst

Ashurst Paris EU and Competition department advises organisations from the private and public sectors on both domestic and cross-border transactions and on all aspects of French and EU competition law.

The lawyers are experts in antitrust litigation (cartel but also in abuse of dominant position where they have developed an important practice) and State aid, and also deal with complex merger control cases.

The team has a specific expertise in regulated industries (energy, railways transport) and deals with antitrust (in particular complex abuse of dominant position cases) as well as sectorial regulation issues. It is also active in a number of other sectors like manufacturing, industry, banking or distribution.

The Paris team is embedded in a very efficient and cohesive international network. It uses to work seamlessly with Ashurst's London-based economists which enables it to include economic analysis at a very early stage of its competition law assessments.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Competition/European Law - France

Band 4

What the Team is Known For

Ashurst advises clients from both the private and public sectors on all aspects of French and European competition law. The law firm covers merger filings and Foreign Subsidy Regulation mandates for both domestic and international transactions and boasts expertise in state aid issues and abuse of dominance matters. The team acts for a diverse client base, with particular strength in regulated sectors such as energy and transport. The team often collaborates with the firm's office in Brussels.

À propos de l’équipe

Ashurst conseille des clients des secteurs privé et public sur tous les aspects du droit français et européen de la concurrence. Le cabinet couvre les dépôts de concentrations et les mandats de réglementation des subventions étrangères pour les transactions nationales et internationales et possède une expertise en matière d’aides d’État et d’abus de position dominante. L’équipe agit pour une clientèle diversifiée, avec une force particulière dans les secteurs réglementés tels que l’énergie et les transports. L’équipe collabore souvent avec le bureau du cabinet à Bruxelles.

Work Highlights

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  • Ashurst advised LONGi on the Foreign Subsidies Regulation aspects of its participation in a public procurement project.

  • Ashurst a conseillé LONGi sur les aspects de la réglementation des subventions étrangères de sa participation à un projet de commande publique.


Provided by Chambers

Notable Practitioners

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Christophe Lemaire
Christophe Lemaire
Head of Competition/European Law
Band 3

Christophe Lemaire is well regarded for his knowledge of antitrust investigations and merger clearance mandates. He is also often sought out by large French multinationals from the energy and transport industries to assist with state aid issues.

Christophe Lemaire is really on the case. I really like that.

I am very happy with Christophe Lemaire, I wouldn't hesitate to work with him again.

Christophe Lemaire is very sharp and has a great command of his subjects. He knows how to support us.

Christophe Lemaire is very easy to access and has extensive experience in his field. He works with different clients and has a broad view of state aid issues.

We were very happy with Christophe Lemaire, he understood the issues well and we had the answers we expected in a clear manner.

Christophe Lemaire est réputé pour sa connaissance des enquêtes antitrust et des mandats d’autorisation de concentrations. Il est souvent sollicité par de grandes multinationales françaises des secteurs de l’énergie et des transports pour les aider sur des dossiers d’aides d’État.

Christophe Lemaire est très pointu et a une grande maîtrise de ses sujets. Il sait comment nous soutenir.

Nous avons été très satisfaits de Christophe Lemaire, il a bien compris les enjeux et nous avons eu les réponses que nous attendions de manière claire.

Christophe Lemaire est très accessible et possède une grande expérience dans son domaine. Il travaille avec différents clients et a une vision globale des dossiers d’aides d’État.

Je suis très content de travailler avec Christophe Lemaire, je n’hésiterais pas à travailler à nouveau avec lui.

Christophe Lemaire est vraiment sur le coup. J’aime vraiment ça.

Ranked Lawyers at

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Competition/European Law

Christophe Lemaire
Christophe Lemaire
Head of Competition/European Law
Band 3


Provided by Ashurst

Christophe Lemaire

Christophe Lemaire

Head of Department

Michaël Cousin