Provided by Aninat Abogados
Aninat Abogados has a highly developed practice in Venture Capital, for which we have worked on all types of financing and investments for national and foreign clients. The previous includes advising investment funds and other types of entities in their creation process, searching for companies to invest in and executing investments, and regulating relations with entrepreneurs.
In this sense, the las two years the market have seen the consolidation of the Venture Capital practice of Aninat Abogados. The firm has participated in more than 50 transactions, advising start-ups and investors, especially in tech companies. We have increased our start-up clients, as we said, helping to structure their companies, professionalizing the administration of their business, defining the best financing strategy, assisting them on the negotiation and materialization of investments and properly protecting their intellectual property.
For this purpose, we offer a flexible fee structure, supporting them on the initial stages with low fees and charge the fees only when they have liquidity events, so start-ups can have the best legal advice from the beginning. Also, we have contributed to implement creative legal solutions to accommodate each investment to its particularities, always paying special attention to the consistency with Chilean Law, as well as maintaining the international standards.