Provided by Advokatfirmaet Hjort AS
Our energy team has adopted the renewables sector as its highest priority and is specialising in areas which are critical to the ability of industry to develop ground-breaking new technologies and sustainable business solutions.
Our focus on understanding regulatory framework and identifying solutions that are suitable for future needs allows us to provide sound and reliable advice at a time of rapid industrial development. This advice is of particular importance when regulatory systems are often behind pace. Due to our experience of the public sector and official dialogues, our expertise often proves crucial in relevant projects.
Our pivotal role in the development of Norwegian energy law over the past 30 years includes working with central stakeholders on liberalisation of the energy market in the 1990s and helping to adapt the regulatory energy framework to emerging needs. We are motivated by involvement in the development of rules, regulations and regulatory frameworks. By supporting green restructuring, we help our clients to participate in the green transition.
Our interdisciplinary teams provide our clients with accurate, effective advice in individual projects. We also have extensive experience of acting as a strategic sparring partner.
Ultimately, our most important task is to ensure that the law is a tool that helps our clients to achieve their goals.