Compliance and Practical Strategies for Cross-Border Aviation Business under China's New Export Cont
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Compliance and Practical Strategies for Cross-Border Aviation Business under China's New Export Control Regulations
Implementation of the New Export Control Regulations
On 1 December 2024, the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Export Control of Dual-Use Items (the “Regulations”) will come into effect. As the implementation guidance of the Export Control Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Export Control Law”), the Regulations establish clear standards for managing the imports and exports of dual-use items—goods, technologies, and services with both civilian and military applications or the potential to enhance military capabilities—by exporters, relevant importers, service providers, and end-users.
Key Provisions of the Regulations
Scope of Jurisdiction
The Regulations adopt the territorial and personal jurisdiction principles established under the Export Control Law, to regulate the transfer of dual-use items from China to overseas (territorial jurisdiction, export activities) and their provision by Chinese entities or individuals to foreign parties (personal jurisdiction, deemed export activities). Such transfers or provision encompass exports conducted through trade, donation, exhibition, cooperation, assistance, or other means.
Moreover, the Regulations retain the authority of the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM) to oversee dual-use items containing Chinese-origin components, even when such items are transferred or supplied by foreign entities outside of China. Specifically, the scope of such regulated dual-use items includes dual-use items manufactured abroad that contain, integrate, or mix specific Chinese-origin dual-use components, dual-use items manufactured abroad using specific Chinese-origin technologies, and specific dual-use items originally sourced from China.
Export Licensing System
In line with international regulatory practices, China implements a licensing system for the export of dual-use items. Upon the Regulations taking effect, the existing requirement for dual-use item export operator registration as a prerequisite for licensing will be abolished. Under the Regulations, exporters of dual-use items listed in the Export Control List or subject to temporary controls must apply for export licences from MOFCOM. These licences may be issued as either individual licences or general licences.
Notably, Article 19 of the Regulations introduces an exemption for the outbound maintenance of civil aircraft spare parts and the export of spare parts and components. In such cases, exporters may obtain an export certificate by registering and submitting the required information prior to each export, eliminating the need for a separate licence.
End-User and End-Use Management
Another key significance of the Regulations is their refinement of the Export Control Law’s end-user and end-use management provisions, with detailed requirements for pre-export, in-process, and post-export compliance, including:
- Pre-export compliance: Exporters must submit end-user and end-use certification documents when applying for dual-use item export licences. End-users of dual-use items must undertake, as required by MOFCOM, not to alter the end-use or transfer the items to third parties without prior approval from MOFCOM.
- 事前管理:出口经营者在申请两用物项出口许可时,应提交最终用户和最终用途证明文件。两用物项的最终用户应按照商务部要求作出承诺,未经商务部允许,不得擅自改变两用物项的最终用途或向任何第三方转让。
- In-process compliance: If exporters or importers discover that the end-user or end-use of the dual-use items has changed or may change, or if they detect falsified, altered, invalid, or improperly obtained end-user and end-use certification documents, they must immediately suspend the export, report to MOFCOM, and co-operate with investigations.
- 事中管理:若出口经营者或进口商发现两用物项出口的最终用户或最终用途已经或可能发生改变,或者发现最终用户和最终用途证明文件存在伪造、变造、失效或以不正当手段获取的情形,应立即停止出口,向商务部报告并配合核查。
- Post-export compliance: During end-user and end-use verification by MOFCOM, if importers or end-users fail to co-operate within the required timeframe or fail to provide necessary documentation, rendering verification impossible, MOFCOM may place the relevant importer or end-user on a watch list. Exporters are prohibited from exporting dual-use items to entities on the watch list under general licences or export certificates.
- 事后管理:商务部在进行最终用户和最终用途核查时,若进口商、最终用户未在规定期限内配合核查、提供有关证明材料,导致无法核实两用物项最终用户、最终用途的,商务部可以将有关进口商、最终用户列入关注名单。被列入关注名单的进口商或最终用户,出口经营者不得以通用许可或出口凭证方式向其出口两用物项。
Control Lists for Importers and End-Users
MOFCOM may, in accordance with the Regulations, place importers or end-users on a control list if they violate end-user or end-use management requirements, pose a potential threat to national security or interests, or use dual-use items for terrorist purposes. Entities on the control list may face measures from MOFCOM such as prohibitions, restrictions, or orders to terminate transactions involving relevant dual-use items
Practical Strategies for Cross-Border Aviation Business
In light of the new export control regulations for dual-use items in China, the following practical strategies are provided for cross-border aviation operations:
Identify the Nature of the Items to Determine Applicability of the Regulations
In cross-border transactions, particular attention should be paid to whether the items involved are classified as dual-use items under the Regulations. Aircraft, engines, and the significantly market-attentioned low-altitude flying vehicles (eg, drones and eVTOLs), which inherently possess dual-use characteristics, are of particular concern. Market participants should evaluate the applicability of the Regulations by referencing the Dual-Use Items Export Control List, temporary control policies, and the specific transaction structure. For example, in cross-border engine operating leases, it has been observed that foreign lessors may be required to sign end-user and end-use certificates when retrieving engines at the end of the lease term.
Due Diligence and Transaction Documentation
In cross-border sales or leasing of aircraft/engines, if dual-use item export licences are involved, importers or end-users should conduct due diligence on domestic transaction parties (ie, exporters) at the outset, to confirm whether they hold valid general licences for dual-use items or meet the conditions for applying for individual licences. Licensing requirements should also be incorporated into the project timeline to ensure smooth progress, with necessary application materials prepared in advance.
Exporters should verify whether the importer or end-user appears on the watch list or control list under the Regulations. In addition, transaction documents should accordingly include robust representations and warranties clauses, default clauses, and conditions precedent clauses. Specific provisions may include: requiring transaction counterparties to warrant that the relevant importers and end-users are not listed on export control lists, comply with applicable regulatory requirements, and promptly notify exporters and report to MOFCOM in the event of any legally reportable circumstances; requiring counterparties to provide end-user and end-use certification documents, as well as commitment documents from end-users to MOFCOM as mandated under the Regulations, with such documents serving as conditions precedent to the transaction.
Under China’s new export control regulations, participants in cross-border aviation business should closely monitor the requirements of the Regulations and any subsequent implementation measures or guidelines. It is essential to thoroughly assess the regulatory status of transaction items, strictly fulfill compliance obligations, and meticulously plan transaction workflows to ensure smooth and compliant business operations in China.