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CHINA: An Introduction to Private Wealth Disputes

Common Legal and Tax Disputes in Private Wealth Management: Trends and Solutions


The Latest Policies in China and Changes in Legal and Tax Requirements for High-Net-Worth Individuals


As China's private economy flourishes, the population of high-net-worth individuals in China (HNWIs) is on the rise. Concurrently, the Chinese government has been diligently enhancing the laws and regulations pertinent to private wealth.

随着中国民营经济的不断发展,中国高净值人士(High Net Worth Individuals-HNWIs,下文简称高客)日趋增多,与此同时,中国政府也在不断完善与私人财富(Private Wealth)相关的法律法规。

The updates in policies related to private wealth in China encompass all aspects of wealth creation, preservation, and inheritance for HNWIs. Influenced by special domestic foreign exchange policies and a focus on common prosperity, the scope of legal and tax regulations associated with private wealth extends from wealth creation, preservation, and inheritance to cross-border capital transfer, and charitable planning.


The continual refinement of legal standards demands more sophisticated legal and tax planning from HNWIs. However, many HNWIs have not yet fully grasped these rules or comprehended the associated risks. This lack of understanding leads to significant financial risks and results in litigation and other disputes in four main areas: business operations, taxation, cross-border issues, and marital and inheritance. Consequently, the need to resolve and prevent such disputes has become increasingly urgent for HNWIs.


Common Disputes and Development Trends in Private Wealth Management Under the New Regulations


1. Disputes at the Corporate Level

Effective 1 July 2024, China's revised "Company Law" was enacted. Compared to its predecessor, the new "Company Law" added and amended 228 articles, with 112 substantial revisions and nearly 41 major adjustments. These changes have notably increased the obligations of shareholders and executives, as well as the compliance requirements for corporate operations. As a result, owners of private enterprises in China are now more focused on mitigating legal and personal liability risks. Many have engaged legal teams to perform thorough corporate "check-ups" aimed at averting litigation related to operational compliance, shareholder duties, and the associated penalties



2. Disputes at the Taxation Level

In recent years, the Chinese government has intensified its efforts to refine tax regulations, implementing extensive legislative measures that cover everything from personal income tax and corporate income tax to value-added and consumption taxes. Meanwhile, the government has broadened the scope of its tax collection and management infrastructure. With the ongoing progress of the Golden Tax Project, particularly the implementation of its Fourth Phase, and the strategic deployment of comprehensive and detailed tax management reforms, the level of tax oversight for both businesses and individuals has increased significantly.



As reported by China's tax authorities, in 2023, tax agencies investigated 135,000 taxpayers for suspected illegal tax activities, recovering a total of 181 billion yuan in assorted tax losses. Since the onset of 2024, several significant tax dispute cases involving corporate and individual tax penalties have arisen. Going forward, tax disputes involving businesses, individuals, and the government are expected to proliferate in the realm of private wealth management, with an increasing number of private wealth lawyers concentrating on tax dispute resolution.


3. Cross-Border Disputes

China implements a strict foreign exchange control system, requiring that both personal and corporate capital entering or leaving the country meet foreign exchange management requirements. Nevertheless, as high-net-worth Chinese families increasingly seek international education, as Chinese businesses globalize, and as foreign investments in China become more common, the legal transfer of capital across borders has emerged as a crucial necessity in the domain of private wealth.



On the one hand, numerous businesses and individuals resort to unauthorised methods to circumvent China's stringent foreign exchange requirements. As national scrutiny of foreign exchange transactions intensifies, the likelihood of detection and penalisation of these activities grows, consequently boosting the demand for specialised lawyers to manage foreign exchange disputes. On the other hand, to avoid penalties many HNWIs are now engaging professional legal counsel to formulate thorough and lawful strategies for cross-border capital transfer.


4. Marital and Inheritance Disputes

With the enactment of the "Civil Code" in 2021, numerous novel regulations were introduced, profoundly changing the systems governing marriage and inheritance. China’s marital property regime adheres to a community property system, where most of the assets acquired during marriage are jointly owned by the spouses. Thus, when high-net-worth individuals or their offspring face marital challenges, the division of marital property becomes a central and contentious issue. Additionally, the first generation of HNWIs who rose to prominence following China's economic reforms largely lacks experience in navigating inheritance procedures. This inexperience often leads to contentious disputes over the management of business interests, division of family assets, and the execution of wills after a family member's death.



Potential New Legislation and Impact in the Private Wealth Sector


China's private wealth sector is currently undergoing a significant phase of systematic development. Observations of market trends suggest that new regulations could be introduced in three key areas, potentially affecting high-net-worth individuals'; strategies for tax planning, asset protection, trust design, and the resolution of related disputes.


Firstly, in the realm of taxation, the government is actively pursuing the development of a tax framework tailored to China's unique needs. Among these initiatives, reforms in personal income tax regulation, studies on inheritance and gift taxes, and advancements in property tax policy are particularly salient within the private wealth sector. These potential changes are likely to complicate the tax landscape for HNWIs, potentially leading to an increase in tax-related disputes.


Additionally, regarding asset protection, China is diligently refining its civil execution system and officially unveiled the draft of the "Civil Compulsory Execution Law" on 24 June 2022. For one thing, HNWIs who are creditors might experience a surge in litigation and enforcement requirements. In addition, those facing debt risks should critically assess the effectiveness of their asset protection strategies to avoid future disputes.


In the trust sector, the "Trust Law," which has been in effect since 1 October 2001, has not seen a comprehensive revision in over two decades. Yet, the demand for family trust services in China is surging, and disputes are increasingly common, underscoring the need for thorough updates to the legal trust framework. In recent years, the frequency of academic conferences and governmental seminars discussing amendments to trust laws has increased, and the calls for legislative improvements are becoming more vocal. Revising trust regulations will necessitate that domestic family trust plans conform to more complex professional standards, thus elevating the importance of trust attorneys.


Challenges and Solutions for Clients—From Dispute Resolution to Dispute Prevention


As legal frameworks evolve and regulatory standards increase, HNWIs in China must consistently update their understanding of policy regulations and familiarise themselves with the common disputes related to business operations, tax governance, marriage, inheritance, and capital transfer.


Historically, the legal needs of high-net-worth individuals concerning private wealth have typically emerged post-dispute, such as in cases of divorce litigation, tax disputes, or foreign exchange policy violations, at which point professional attorneys were engaged to resolve these issues. Moving forward, it is imperative for HNWIs to prioritize learning the rules and preventing disputes. Prior to the emergence of disputes, they should consult with legal experts to minimise potential risks. By engaging in comprehensive legal, tax, cross-border capital transfer, and succession planning, they can identify and mitigate risks, effectively preempting the occurrence of private wealth management complications.
