Mental Health Awareness Week is led annually by the Mental Health Foundation. The theme for this year’s event, which took place from May 13 to 19 is ‘Movement: Moving more for our mental health’.

To support the initiative, WHN staff members collectively walked a total of 1,878,488 steps during the week, equivalent to around 840 miles. Each WHN office also closed for half an hour during the week to give staff the opportunity to walk together, chat and unwind.

Michael Shroot, CEO, WHN said: “Our legal team works closely with clients, advising and supporting them through often very stressful situations including buying and selling property, dealing with contentious family matters or bereavement, or resolving business disputes.

“It is vital that, in addition to supporting our clients during these circumstances, we also support the mental wellbeing of our team. Taking part in this collective staff walk for Mental Health Awareness Week was a way of highlighting the benefits of socialising with colleagues and being active.

“Congratulations to the whole team for taking part in this important event – a brilliant team effort.”

The Mental Health Foundation focuses on researching, developing, and advocating for new and more effective ways to support and protect good mental health in the UK.

Since 2001, each May the Foundation has been leading Mental Health Awareness Week to encourage people to focus on their mental health, with millions of people from every part of the country taking part.

Going forward, WHN has a planned schedule of regular events to further support the mental health and wellbeing of its team. This is building on the success of the charity walk and the firm’s regular ‘time to chat’ days – across each office where the firm provides cakes and refreshments, and the team is encouraged to take time away from their desks to chat to colleagues and focus on mental health and wellbeing.