This is a frequently asked question among foreign investors. After 5 years of Golden Visa, what to do?
At this moment, at least three alternatives are available for investors, depending on their profile and where they intend to establish their core family . The first alternative consists in the continuation of the renovation of the Golden Visa, allowed through the presentation of the previously required documents for submitting the Golden Visa application, along with the maintenance of the same level of investment. This is the recommended alternative for investors who don’t intend to live in Portugal, once it is only required a minimum stay of 14 non-consecutive days every two years, being even possible to make use of the income generated through the investment to cover related expenses, which is a common example among real estate investors who frequently choose to rent their own real estate.
The second alternative, better adjusted to investors and families who intend to establish their permanent residency in Portugal, corresponds to the application to the Permanent Residency Status, through which the respective holders ought to respect the conditions for granting of such status and the maximum absence periods from the Portuguese territory.
At last, the third alternative, which may be cumulated with any of the previous ones, becomes possible after the end of the 6th year of holding of a Portuguese residency status. Following this period, the investor may apply for the acquisition of a Portuguese Passport, once the legal requirements are fulfilled, among which the connection to the Portuguese culture and community, as well as the basic domain of the language are indispensable.