The Risk Advisory Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Hannah Gilkes as a Non-Executive Director (NED) to the Board.

Hannah is currently the COO of the Africa-focused impact investor, Admaius Capital Partners. She knows Risk Advisory’s business well, after spending six years as the head of our Africa team. She also pioneered our work in the ESG space. She has extensive experience across the continent; born and raised in Ethiopia, Hannah has spent almost all of her career focused on Africa in one way or another. But she also has a broader seam of commercial experience and people management skills, all of which are invaluable to Risk Advisory.  

Commenting on her appointment, Hannah said, “I am delighted to be staying connected to Risk Advisory. I am particularly looking forward to supporting a phenomenal management team as they look to broaden the ways in which The Risk Advisory Group supports clients.”

CEO Chris Rowley said, “Hannah has star quality; she is always fully committed to everything she does and she has achieved a huge amount with us already. I am delighted that she is staying on, and I have no doubt at all that she will make a big success of her non-executive director role with us and that we will continue to benefit from her experience.’’

See Hannah’s profile here.

About Risk Advisory

The Risk Advisory Group is a leading global risk management consultancy specialising in the provision of in-depth due diligence, strategic intelligence, and litigation support. It helps businesses survive and thrive by equipping corporate decision-makers and their advisors with the meticulously sourced, consistently fresh, local intelligence they need to make the right commercial decisions. 

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