DZP has advised T-Mobile Polska on concluding a virtual (financial) Power Purchase Agreement for electricity and guarantees of origin from five RES projects belonging to the joint venture V-Ridium Power and KGAL, with a total capacity of 98 MW.

The 15-year agreement has brought our client much closer to its goal of achieving complete climate neutrality. The amount of electricity secured by the agreement is close to T-Mobile Polska's entire demand.

The agreement supports the investment in five new RES installations under construction in Poland (three photovoltaic farms and two wind farms). Green energy will start flowing to T-Mobile Poland in Q1 2023. The agreement is one of the largest to have been concluded on the Polish market as a corporate PPA.

The client was advised by DZP lawyers Rafał Hajduk and Natalia Plaskiewicz from the Infrastructure & Energy Practice.