Law firm Russell-Cooke has renewed its commitment to carbon neutrality, having pledged to offset its estimated carbon emissions for a second year.

As part of its 2019-2022 strategic plan

"to improve the environmental sustainability of the firm and take significant steps towards carbon neutrality,”

the firm achieved its objective by offsetting its 2020 emissions. It will continue to demonstrate its commitment to becoming a sustainable business with a second year of offsetting.

The firm consulted its partners and employees to decide the proportion in which it would buy credits in four projects proposed by Carbon Footprint Limited. Carbon Footprint Limited is an environmental and carbon management company connecting businesses and not-for-profit organisations with carbon offsetting projects around the world.

Members of the firm voted to invest in the chosen projects in the following proportions:

50% of the emissions will be offset through a UK Tree and Protecting the Amazon project.

30% will be offset via the Breathing Space cooking stovesproject in India.

12% will be offset through the Gunung Salak geothermal energy project in Indonesia.

8% will be offset via the R. One wind power project in Thailand.

The firm has also introduced an innovative personal offsetting scheme, allowing members of staff to calculate their individual carbon emissions and to arrange to offset them through our payroll systems.

Lucy Wilton, the firm's partner sponsor for environmental issues, said: "Two years into the firm’s strategic plan, we are ahead of target as we enter our second year of carbon offsetting. We already generate electricity for the National Grid through the solar panels installed on the roof of our Putney headquarters and smart technology operates shutdowns for when the technology is not in use, from computers to lighting systems.

“We are continuing to investigate new ways in which we can minimise our impact on the environment as a business and as a collection of individuals. We view this as the right thing to do.”