A real estate contract is a legal agreement that establishes the terms and conditions of a transaction related to real estate, such as properties and land. This type of contract is used to formalize the purchase, sale, lease, financing, or other forms of transfer of rights over real estate.

"The real estate contract usually includes detailed information about the parties involved, property description, agreed price or rent, payment clauses, delivery conditions, deadlines, responsibilities, and any other relevant provisions for the transaction," explains our associate lawyer, Fátima Rivera.

Our Corporate Department advisor points out that this type of contract is essential to protect the interests of both parties and ensure that the agreed obligations are fulfilled.

"By establishing the rights and responsibilities of buyers, sellers, lessors, and lessees, the real estate contract provides legal security and prevents potential disputes or misunderstandings in the future," suggests Rivera.

What aspects should you consider when signing a real estate contract?

When signing a real estate contract, it is important to consider the following aspects:

  1. Terms and conditions: Read carefully all the terms and conditions of the contract, including deadlines, payments, responsibilities of both parties, and any special clauses. Make sure you fully understand what is expected of you and the other party.
  2. Property description: Verify that the property description in the contract is accurate and detailed. It should include the address, relevant features, and any other pertinent information about the property.
  3. Price and payment conditions: Ensure that the sale or rental price is clearly stated in the contract, as well as the payment conditions, including the initial amount, monthly payments, deadlines, and any other payment-related information.
  4. Property inspection: Before signing the contract, conduct a thorough inspection of the property to verify its condition and status. If there are repairs or issues that need to be addressed, make sure they are documented in the contract and establish who will be responsible for their correction.
  5. Responsibilities and obligations: The contract should clearly establish the responsibilities and obligations of both the owner and the tenant or buyer. This may include maintenance, insurance, taxes, utilities, and any other responsibility related to the property.
  6. Special clauses: Some real estate contracts may include special clauses such as usage restrictions, easements, purchase options, or additional conditions. Be sure to review these clauses carefully and understand their scope and consequences.
  7. Jurisdiction and dispute resolution: Verify which jurisdiction governs the contract and how disputes will be resolved in case any arise. It is important to be familiar with the dispute resolution mechanisms established in the contract.
  8. Legal advice: It is always advisable to seek legal advice before signing a real estate contract. A lawyer specializing in real estate law can review the contract, ensure that your rights and interests are protected, and provide professional guidance throughout the process.

"Signing a real estate contract is a significant commitment, so it is crucial to review and understand all aspects before signing it. Do not hesitate to ask questions, clarify doubts, and seek professional help to ensure a safe and successful transaction."

If you have further inquiries about this or other topics, you can contact us through our social media channels or by visiting our offices located at Calle Cuscatlán, #4312, Colonia Escalón, San Salvador, El Salvador.

-Written by the Torres Legal Team.