The sixth edition of the Forum Multilatinas, organized by America Economía counted with the participation of several entrepreneurs classified as Multilatinas - companies whose headquarters are located in Latin America, manage production or provide services in at least two countries and is active in at least two continents or regions.

Multilatinas counselors talked with participants about their experiences in the processes of openings abroad and current opportunities in different areas of the region.

Another theme discussed on the conference was that multinationals companies must focus on an innovative model of sustainable development and the environment. On innovation, multilatinas do not only incorporate it into their final products but also apply it to all administrative and operational processes. Innovation also makes work economically profitable, beyond the benefits that cause actions such as reducing pollution and the carbon footprint in the environment.

Also multilatinas call the Government to participate through public-private partnerships so companies can maintain the dynamism and help accelerate the economy of the countries of the region.

CENTRAL LAW specializes in incorporating new companies, mergers and acquisitions, public private partnerships and the post comprehensive legal advice to those companies regionally wide. For that reason we have specialized in corporate practice which expertise has been recognized by prestigious directories such as Chambers and Partners.  For more information contact us at [email protected]