A serious diagnosis rises walls between people. Maravela & Asociatii supports and encourages HOSPICE’s Campaign “Don’t let those fighting for their lives become invisible”
About HOSPICE Casa Sperantei
HOSPICE Casa Sperantei, currently celebrating 25 years of activity, is one of the renowned non-profit organizations in Romania, with national coverage. The organization has developed, over time, two integrated services centres in Brasov and Bucharest, as well as mobile care units in Fagaras and Zarnesti, for the care of those who were diagnosed with incurable diseases. Throughout all this time, the organization has brought hope and relief to over 22.000 children and adults diagnosed with incurable diseases.
The 25th anniversary of the HOSPICE Casa Sperantei in Romania received the visit of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, at the Bucharest centre of the Foundation, when he expressed his deepest appreciation for the work done and the support offered by HOSPICE to children and adults diagnosed with incurable diseases.
About the Campaign
Once again in 2017, HOSPICE Casa Sperantei launched the 2% Campaign, calling for the sensibility of the public through the slogan: “Don’t let those fighting for their lives become invisible”. The organization encourages taxpayers who have earned in 2016 taxable income in Romania to support free palliative care by redirecting 2% of their income tax to HOSPICE Casa Sperantei. The procedure does not involve any costs, the amount redirected being already retained by the fiscal authorities from the 2016 tax return. While employees have the dedicated Form 230, those with income from self-employment (authorized individuals, rents, etc.) can redirect when filling in their income statement (Form 200). Forms containing all necessary information and the Foundation’s details are available at doilasuta.hospice.ro, and may be submitted and/or sent, according to the current legal provisions, until May 25, 2017, to the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF).
"This year’s campaign is not just for fundraising purposes, it is a warning sign related to Romania’s incurably ill people and their need for support in the difficult battle they are fighting. As this is a road nobody should walk alone, our organization addresses the entire community, asking everyone not to ignore a reality that regards us all.”, explained Mirela Nemtanu, CEO of HOSPICE Casa Sperantei.
About Maravela & Asociatii’s involvement
As honorary patron, Maravela & Asociatii supports the “Don’t let those fighting for their lives become invisible” Campaign through various actions as: encouraging employees, clients and collaborators to redirect 2% of income tax to HOSPICE Casa Sperantei, fundraising (recently it was placed a ”charity box” at the firm’s headquarters), pro bono assistance, etc.
Moreover, this year for a second time in a row Maravela & Asociatii’s team, will join the Bucharest Half Marathon taking place May 13-14, where they will be part of Team HOSPICE and run or give a helping hand with the event, in HOSPICE’s on site tent.
Maravela & Asociatii kindly invites friends, colleagues and collaborators who believe that any person diagnosed with an incurable disease must be supported in their struggle to join the “Don’t let those fighting for their lives become invisible” Campaign and get actively involved in the present and future campaigns of HOSPICE Casa Sperantei.
”HOSPICE Casa Sperantei’s 2% Campaign is one that we believe in and we hope that many collaborators, employees and friends will join us and will support this cause by redirecting 2% of income tax. I truly believe that in front of disease, evermore incurable, we are all sensitive and, by getting involved, we provide hope and highlight the unity of people I encourage any kind of involvement and I am proud, as honorary patron, of all past, current and future achievements of HOSPICE Casa Sperantei" said Gelu Maravela, Managing Partner of Maravela & Asociatii.
”It is so easy to get involved and do good. The 2% campaign does not involve any costs, as the donated amount has already been declared to and retained by the fiscal authorities. We are happy take part to HOSPICE’s endeavours and projects proud that His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales supports the same cause.” declared Alina Popescu, Founding Partner of Maravela & Asociatii.
More information about the Foundation's projects and campaigns can be found on the official website of HOSPICE Casa Sperantei at https://www.hospice.ro/ and further detail about the “Don’t let those fighting for their lives become invisible” Campaign is available at doilasuta.hospice.ro.