During the “Infrastructure test drive” the participants introduced their projects, and after that jury members (advisors, operators and banks) by turns evaluated and commented on the quality of preparation of project documentation on prospective concession projects in the sphere of water supply and disposal. They also analyzed the efficiency and economic feasibility of implementation of investment projects based on PPP mechanisms, determined the viability and prospects of fundraising in PPP projects and provided recommendations on tariff, legal, financial and technological issues of project structuring.
Members of the jury included representatives of Sberbank of Russia, Gazprombank, VTB Capital, Russian association for water supply and water disposal, Eurasian Development bank, Leader Management company, Russian utility systems, Rosvodokanal group of companies and others.
All-Russian Water Congress “Water resources of Russia to ensure sustainable development of the country, environmental safety and public health” is held as part of Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation. The event is a platform for cross-sectoral and cross-industry dialogue aimed at development of a complex policy of sustainable use of water resources in all branches of the economy, facilitating enhancement of efficiency of implementation of the Environmental safety strategy of the Russian Federation until 2025 in terms of security, protection and improvement of quality of water bodies.