Why is she in the news? Carter-Ruck, supported by human rights firm Bindmans, represented Shaima Dallali in an Employment Tribunal claim against her former employer, the National Union of Students, after she was dismissed as president over antisemitism claims. The case was settled this week, just before an eight-day final hearing was due to begin.

Thoughts on the case: ‘Shaima was elected president of NUS in March 2022, taking up her role in July 2022. She was dismissed in November 2022, leading to her tribunal claim. She is an anti-Zionist and proud pro-Palestinian. Now that the matter has been resolved, Shaima is looking forward to continuing to dedicate herself to the Palestinian cause and to serving her community. 

"I can’t comment on the terms of settlement as they are confidential. However, I refer to the joint statement released by Shaima and NUS, which is also set out in my firm’s press release.

The full Law Society Gazette article can be found at the following link https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/lawyer-in-the-news/lawyer-in-the-news-caitlin-harris-carter-ruck/5119686.article

Law Society Gazette: Lawyer in the News