LAW (Legal Advice for Women): a new way of providing legal services to promote business among women

Guerrero Olivos developed a business model that seeks to support women, projects, corporations, or start-ups led by women, in its development and expansion, by delivering first class legal services and establishing a collaboration network to promote female leadership.

This model seeks to provide legal advice in different practice areas through a complementary model (including men and women) but coordinated and led by female lawyers.

The initiative was created by a group of senior associates to foster the professional female career development and make woman talent more visible. This project was embraced and boosted by Guerrero Olivos’ partners and was launched yesterday with a successful seminar named “The Strategic Value of Female Talent in Organizations”.

Local press covered this launch, and the pioneer initiative:

In addition, LAW established alliances with recognized associations and non-profit organizations in Chile, that also seek to foster female professional career, women leadership, and demonstrate/measure the positive impact of female participation in different industries and business areas.

These associations are: Mujeres Empresarias, Cámara de Mujeres y Negocios, Hay Mujeres, and AUSCHAM.