Partner Kristen Zaehringer will participate in “Gateway to Practice,” an innovative program for first-year law students attending her alma mater, Quinnipiac University School of Law. The annual two-day experiential initiative, which will take place on January 9-10, 2023, is designed to help future lawyers develop the practical skills needed to practice law. Kristen and other invited practitioners will play an active role in the program, which includes accurate simulations of life working in a law firm handling transactions and disputes.

The goal of the program is threefold:

To help students gain a better appreciation of how lawyers use bedrock skills in the everyday practice of law.

To deepen students’ desire to understand the legal concepts they study in class and to help them understand the relationship between legal theory and the practice of law.

To reassure students that the skills and values they brought to law school are helpful and necessary to being a good lawyer and that cooperating and collaborating are central to legal practice.

This is the fourth year Kristen has participated in the program.