OJSC "Lidskoe Pivo" (ААТ "Лідскае Піва"), the Belarusian manufacturer of popular Lidski kvass (a traditional rye-bread drink), had become aware of a locally manufactured kvass distributed in the Russian market under the same brand name "Lidksi". Furthermore, the infringer used similar bottle label designs. To defend the Client’s rights, KIAP lawyers applied to the Russian antimonopoly authority (FAS).
Consideration of the application lasted longer than a year, as the FAS Commission suspended it for almost six months awaiting the outcome of the parallel trademark infringement lawsuit filed against the same defendant. Despite numerous attempts of the defendant to protract or even close the case, KIAP lawyers managed to prove a violation of the Client’s rights in the form of imitation of the authentic products’ appearance that had caused confusion with the infringing products. FAS has recognized the defendant’s actions as an act of unfair competition contrary to article 14.6, para. 2, of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition" and has issued an official order demanding to cease the violation.
KIAP team representing the Client in the case consists of KIAP partners Elena Buranova and Ilya Ischuk, as well as associates Maxim Buzin and Viacheslav Shmelev. Tatyana Ignatovskaya, Partner at Stepanovsky, Papakul and Partners, has been coordinating the project at Belarusian end.