Paris, 12 January 2021 – Jeantet advises the French leading for-profit crowdfunding platform Leetchi, in the case relating to the pool created in favour of Mr Christophe Dettinger entitled “Soutien au boxeur gilet jaune “. In this case, the Paris Court of Justice handed down a judgment on the merits on 6 January last in which it rejected all of the claims made by Mr and Mrs Dettinger and Mr Alves, the creator of the kitty.
By a decision of Wednesday 6 January 2021, the Court considered that the purpose of the contract concluded between SA Leetchi and Mr Nicolas Alves on 6 January 2019 “cannot be in accordance with public policy” and consequently declared it null and void. In these circumstances, the Court ordered the restitution of the funds collected to all participants in the kitty under the annulled contract.
The pool was initially opened on 6 January 2019 in favour of the “yellow waistcoat boxer”, then sentenced to one year in prison for acts of violence against law enforcement officials during a protest.
Founded in 2009 by Céline Lazorthes, the Leetchi group publishes the online for-profit crowdfunding platform as well as the payment solution MANGOPAY –, which allows people to collect and manage money together in a simple and fun way. The site currently has 7 million users from over 150 countries.
Jeantet’s team advising SA Leetchi included Martine Samuelian, Partner and Olivier Lyon Lynch, Counsel.