Hong Kong, 29 May 2017: Global legal services provider Ally Law will step up efforts to recruit new member firms after appointing Colin Cohen as Chairman of its Expansion Committee.
The organisation currently comprises more than 60 firms in over 40 jurisdictions worldwide but Mr Cohen – Senior Partner in Boase Cohen & Collins – believes the net can be cast wider.
“Ally Law has done an excellent job over the past couple of years in raising its international profile and enhancing its marketing and communications,” he commented. “As a result, since the beginning of 2016, we have welcomed new member firms representing England and Wales, Italy, Japan, Montreal in Canada, Vietnam and France.
“As Chairman of the Expansion Committee, I will be intensifying efforts to bring in new members, especially in Asia-Pacific, Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America, all of which have tremendous potential for growth. A bigger organisation means more cross-referral business for member firms and gives us a stronger global footprint.
“However, it must be emphasised that there will be no compromise in performance. All Ally Law firms will continue to be subject to a strict selection process and must adhere to rigorous client service standards with regular evaluation.”
Mr Cohen’s appointment was confirmed at Ally Law’s AGM in New York which he attended with BC&C Partner Usha Casewell and Assistant Solicitor Catherine Lau.
“It was a productive AGM featuring some useful sessions devoted to business development, marketing and client issues. It was also a chance for us to meet lawyers from some of our newest members and welcome them to the Ally Law family,” added Mr Cohen, a past President of Ally Law’s parent organisation, the International Alliance of Law Firms.
Mr Cohen also gave a well-received marketing presentation while Mrs Casewell was a featured panelist at the Annual Ally Law Women Lawyers Meeting where the topic of business development was discussed.
Boase Cohen & Collins is Hong Kong’s sole representative in Ally Law, which utilises close co-operation between members to help clients overcome their international legal and business challenges.
Around 120 delegates attended the AGM during which Mexican representative Alfonso González Uribe was confirmed as Ally Law’s new President, succeeding American Michael Herbst.