Sequoia and Matrix lead an investment round of 64 crores in Bizcrum Infotech Private Limited (Bijnis), a business-to-business marketplace for unorganised retail segment with participation from InfoEdge and WaterBridge.

Link Legal successfully represented the existing investors, InfoEdge and WaterBridge in the series A fund raise of Bijnis led by Matrix and Sequoia.

Bizcrum Infotech Private Limited (Bijnis), operates a SaaSplatform (namely enabling business to business (B2B)communication and supply chain management amongst wholesales, manufacturers and retailers.

Link Legal team led by Pratyush Khurana (AssociatePartner) and Aditi Sharma (Associate) assisted the clients. The Company and Promoters were represented by Wadhwa Law Offices and Sequoia and Matrix were represented by Rajaram Legal.