The ASF published Circular Letters 4/2024 and 5/2024, which enact several modifications to the following reporting files and related instructions:

ASF Circular Letter 4/2024


“ATecnica Nao Vida”

“ATecnica Vida Contratos de Seguro”

“ATecnica Planos de Pensoes”



“Indicadores Comportamentais Seguros”

Adaptations in line with the Chart of Accounts for Insurance Companies (PCES)

NR ASF n.º 9/2022-R


ASF Circular Letter 5/2024



Adaptations due to additional information requirements for financial stability purposes

Regulamento (UE) n.º 1094/2010

Article 35

Please note that several of these modifications are related to ASF reporting files applicable to insurance companies based in other Member States of the European Union that carry out their activity in Portuguese territory through a branch or to a freedom to provide services passport.

The new reporting files can be consulted here.