Estudio Echecopar, member firm of Baker McKenzie International, acted as legal counsel to Credicorp Capital Servicios Financieros S.A. as arranger of a private offering of corporate bonds issued by Costa del Sol S.A. for a total amount of S/ 82.5 million in order to finance the construction of a new hotel of the brand in the new terminal of Lima's Jorge Chavez International Airport.

All bonds were issued in favor of "Fondo de Inversión Credicorp Capital Deuda Soles I", administered by Credicorp Capital S.A. Sociedad Administradora de Fondos. The bonds' collateral involved the creation of two trusts administered by Scotiabank Peru, that included real estate, collection rights and cash flows related to the issuer's hotel business.

Partner Alonso Miranda and associates Adrian Tovar and Lara Sarlui advised Credicorp Capital throughout the process.