Skiing accidents often involve cross border situations, as such accidents are prone to happen either while being on holiday or having an accident with somebody who is on holiday or even both. Thus, such cross-border accidents may trigger certain questions of law due to involving parties originating from different countries, which may result in complex questions of liability, insurance and procedural law. This report aims to address some of the most frequently asked questions relating to cross border skiing accident, which we hope you find useful. It goes without saying, that this report cannot make up for individual legal advice, as the questions in this report are answered from a general view and do not aim at providing individual legal advice.

Insuralex, founded 2002, is a network of independent law firms, all specialized in insurance and cross border claims. Insuralex is happy to share its knowledge and expertise on skiing accidents and insurance. This report deals with the applicable law, questions of liability and strict liability, safeguard obligations of the skiing resort, accidents while using transport systems, insurance issues (liability-, legal expense-, private health insurance) and last but not least procedural questions.

This report highlights ten jurisdictions, which are in alphabetical order: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, England and Wales, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Türkiye and Ukraine. As over 50 law firms specialized in insurance and re-insurance have joined Insuralex, we are pleased to assist you and your clients all over the world, just in case you have any additional questions related to this topic or to insurance and re-insurance law in general. You can find our contact details and member details here:

Download the report: 2025 Insuralex comparative European report on skiing accidents