Provided by Ferreira Pinto Cardigos
FERREIRA PINTO CARDIGOS plays an important role providing assistance to clients on the restructuring of their activities and reorganization of their assets. The team assisted Cleerly Med. on implementing a corporate restructuring in Portugal, and Emma Sleep in scaling-up its activity in the Portuguese market.
In respect to mergers and acquisitions, FERREIRA PINTO CARDIGOS provides assistance on every step of the process, offering solutions and mapping strategies that are both commercially aware and legally efficient.
Our experienced M&A team has a wide spectrum of skills and a stellar work ethic allowing FERREIRA PINTO CARDIGOS to provide clients with customised legal assistance and to successfully complete M&A deals and Corporate Restructuring and Asset Reorganization transactions. Our M&A team’s expertise significantly supports the preparation, execution and success of every transaction and allows acceleration of deal flow and closing objectives.
FERREIRA PINTO CARDIGOS team works across industries and practice areas including M&A, private equity, tax, corporate finance, IP, real estate, banking and finance which has empowered our lawyers to provide commercially minded advice, understand client needs and deliver a multi-disciplinary approach when providing clients with comprehensive legal advice.