Moral etiquettes, if crossed leads to trouble regardless of the platform. Then don’t be startled when people face trial due to what they wrote on social media especially in UAE where moral turpitude is frowned upon. With almost 70% of UAE population being socially active online, regulations restricting online nuisance is a necessity.
At some point, we all have posted something online which we later regretted, while thinking that your harmless online life ramblings ought to never be considered solemnly, it is worthy to note that any nuisance in this country, spread online through tweeter or other social media platforms would give you a tour to the nearest jail. As Criminal Lawyers of Dubai usually beware the clients to not spread a rumour online by any social media platform. We have jotted down some dos and don’ts of tweeting in this country for our readers to prevent an unpleasant stay in UAE.
Watch Out your Online Behavior
- Don’t Make Online Threats: Any comment or post on tweeter which is abusive and threatening in nature can lead for your arrest under Cybercrime Law of UAE.
- Don’t’ write against UAE Religion: Any comment which directly or indirectly insults the religious creeds and rites may invite detention and fine for the offender. Pursuant to Article 312 of UAE Federal Law Number 3 of 1987, Penal Code criminalizes those who comment against any religion and creed. Additionally, one may also be tried under Cybercrime Law.
- Don’t post pictures without prior consent: Irrespective of the relationship with the other person, you are restricted to post a picture of an individual without his or her prior consent as it is a violation of privacy and is taken serious offence under the Penal Code and the Cybercrime Law.
- Strict Restrictions on Pornography: This restriction is self-explanatory, as UAE forbids the exchange pornographic material and impose strict penalties.
- Don’t spread Rumor: A fine worth AED 1 million can be imposed on those who post false information online. Apart from that an imprisonment for 10 years can award for offensive online posts and comments.
UAE Cybercrime laws can impose detention or allow courts to deport the accused for posting unauthorized data online. In addition, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority has also laid down guideline prohibiting people to tag in pictures without consent. It is deemed to be a basic courtesy to seek confirmation prior to posting or tagging anyone. UAE police are strictly patrolling the electronic platform which may call for legal action against the offender. The country is equipped with latest technologies to locate the source of the abuse which is available in the system until 18 months. Numerous residents have been arrested due to such behaviour and online posting. Therefore, Think Thrice before posting any comment on Twitter or any other platform especially in UAE.