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Provided by Izzy Walsh

High Net Worth

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Izzy qualified at leading city law firm Herbert Smith prior to transferring to family law in 2011. She joined Hall Brown in February 2019 to head up their London office. Her focus is on the financial aspects of family law, and in particular on cross-border cases involving complex corporate and trust structures. A significant portion of her work involves cases involving Russian, Ukrainian and other CIS aspects. In addition, she represents (amongst others) entrepreneurs, medical professionals, high profile sportsmen and women (in particular in the equestrian/ racing field). She advises on divorce, pre-and post-nuptial agreements and wealth planning, and has an increasing workload of high net worth Schedule 1 cases, as well as in relation to children matters including contact arrangements and Leave to Remove. She has, in addition, advised third party funders in relation to the matrimonial elements of significant commercial cases, as well as providing legal opinions on various aspects of English family law to overseas lawyers.

The firm was named as one of the Times 200 Best Law firms, and Izzy was singled out in the firm profile as appealing to the oligarch community.

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Family/Matrimonial Finance: High Net Worth

Izzy Walsh
Izzy Walsh
Band 5