Office Profile

Cohen Clair Lans Greifer & Simpson LLP

New York Office

Current View

High Net Worth


Provided by Cohen Clair Lans Greifer & Simpson LLP

Firm Overview: 

Cohen Clair Lans Greifer & Simpson LLP LLP is one of the most prominent matrimonial law firms in the United States. The firm’s partners and associates write, lecture and teach throughout the country as well as internationally on important issues relating to matrimonial and family law. The firm represents individuals and their spouses across a broad spectrum of industries and professions, including finance, real estate, media, sports, entertainment, law, politics, and medicine, and has handled many of the largest matrimonial matters in New York and elsewhere. As a result, the firm has expertise in negotiating and litigating cases which present sophisticated and specialised valuation issues. It also brings extensive experience toward child custody, with a keen focus on difficult issues such as relocation and parental access. In addition, the firm regularly drafts and negotiates prenuptial, postnuptial and paternity agreements.

Due to its expertise and experience, the firm’s lawyers are often called upon to serve as counsel or advisors in jurisdictions across the United States, as well as Europe and Asia.

The firm’s strength lies in its creative skills, honed through decades of focus on family law. The firm’s understanding of the complicated issues it faces together with clients, along with the reputation which precedes it, frequently leads to deftly and efficiently negotiated resolutions. Obtaining a favorable result while avoiding the costs of litigation is the firm’s initial approach and ultimate goal.

In the event litigation becomes necessary, clients benefit from the firm’s vast experience and ability. It has faced and prevailed in courtrooms countless times, often on novel issues establishing groundbreaking legal precedent.

The firm is proud that the clients it has represented are the firm’s greatest source of referrals.

Main Areas of Practice: 

■ Matrimonial Law

■ Family Law


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USA - Head office
919 Third Avenue, 34th Floor , New York, New York, USA, 10022


Tel: 212.300.1100

Fax: 212.300.1111