
Provided by VdA

Our team are led by one of the foremost experts in the market and excels on advising on the creation, exploitation and protection of IP from the outset and throughout its whole life. Both domestically and abroad we have a stellar reputation on patent trademark and copyright litigation. Vieira de Almeida’s IP practice has been involved in many of the most complex patent litigation cases in the country, having developed a very significant expertise in the negotiation of IP rights; we provide assistance in the licensing, franchising and brand extension process over the years.
We are a legal and strategic partner, able to help the client meet the challenges of safeguarding intellectual property rights and have accumulated a high degree of specialization in the health industry, working on a regular and continuous basis with many of the most preeminent pharma companies operating in Portugal.
For a comprehensive list of the services we provide both internationally and in the Portugal, visit the VdA website for more details: http://vda.pt/en

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Intellectual Property

António de Magalhães Cardoso
António de Magalhães Cardoso
Head of Intellectual Property
Senior Statespeople
Marta Alves Vieira
Marta Alves Vieira
Band 3
Life Sciences

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Francisca Paulouro
Paulo Pinheiro
Paulo Pinheiro