
Provided by Hugh James

Hugh James is one of the country’s leading specialists in environmental law and group actions.

We have built up a team of environmental law experts and have had unrivalled success in applying the law to protect the environment. Our specialist team of leading environmental solicitors has successfully conducted environmental nuisance claims for whole communities affected by various forms of nuisance including odour, dust and noise. They have particular expertise in environmental nuisance claims caused by landfill sites, sewage treatment works and factories. We have specialist solicitors in claims pursued under the Land Compensation Act relating to new or altered highways, airports and other public work and have sought judicial reviews of government and local authority decisions which threaten to adversely affect people’s homes and properties.

Additionally, we specialise in dealing with health impacts of environmental hazards, such as illness or injury caused by exposure to pollution, high magnetic fields or food contamination.

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Hugh James

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Environment: Claimant

Neil Stockdale
Band 1
Stephanie Eedy
Band 2
Gwen Morgan-Evans
Band 3
Kimberley Sutton
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Rebecca Andrews
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