Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 1


Provided by Fabrice Cassin


Practice Areas

A specialist in public law, Fabrice deals with environmental law, public contracts, urban planning, administrative litigation and complex operations matters.

Involved in the renewable energies sector for more than twenty years, Fabrice is recognized as an expert in energy law. He assists his clients – major private operators – in the implementation of energy projects (competitive tenders, administrative authorizations, land acquisition and environmental audit), both in France and abroad. He is more specifically involved in land-based and off-shore wind farm projects as well as hydroelectric, photovoltaic and biomass projects.

A member of the board of directors of France Energie Eolienne (French association dedicated to the wind energy sector), Fabrice chairs their Laws and Regulations Commission, contributing to the energy law evolution.

With a doctorate in law, Fabrice Cassin also lectures in Public Law at the University of Paris Est.

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Projects & Energy: Energy: Regulatory

Fabrice Cassin
Fabrice Cassin
Band 1