Ranked in 2 Practice Areas

Band 2

Healthcare: Regulatory


3 Years Ranked


Band 2

Life Sciences


12 Years Ranked


Provided by Elysangela de Oliveira Rabelo

Brazil: Industries & Sectors

Practice Areas

Elysangela Rabelo, the founding partner of Rabelo Maurer Advocacia, is a lawyer for over 20 years, and has a vast experience in foreign investment, M&A, contract and regulatory matters in the Life Sciences and Healthcare. The areas of practice include the assistance in corporate, contract, foreign investments, incorporations, structuring of joint ventures, corporate reorganizations, and mergers, spin-offs, and acquisitions of companies, and regulated assets.

In addition to hospitals, lab analysis, healthtechs, health insurance companies, and specialty clinics, she also assists clients in the pharmaceutical, medical device, cosmetics, and food industries. Her work extends to corporate governance, compliance, health data privacy, innovations and strategic matters.


Elysangela pioneered the practice of Transactional and Regulatory Life Sciences and Healthcare in Brazil, combining M&A, Transactional, and regulatory expertise together. Her transactional experience goes from the sale of specialty clinics to strategic investors, assisting a global medical device companies in PPPs, and sale of private hospitals, to the acquisition of drug manufacturing facilities, and cross-border transactions in the pharmaceutical area.

Elysangela graduated from Law School (1998), from Universidade São Judas Tadeu, São Paulo, pursued Graduate studies on Law of Business Enterprises, at Harvard University (2006), took a Business Management course at the Business School São Paulo (2007), obtained a Compliance & Ethics Professional Certificate – CCEP-I, from SCCE (2017), and a Privacy and Data Protection certification from Data Privacy Brasil (2020).

Professional Memberships

Vice-chair of the Life Sciences Subcommittee with the Technology Law Committee at IBA – International Bar Association. 2023-2024

Pharma and Healthcare Committee at Global Alliance of Women in LifeSciences. 2023-2024

Former Secretary of the Latin American Regional Fórum – International Bar Association. 2019.

Languages Spoken

Portuguese, English and Spanish

Work Highlights

Elysangela Rabelo has represented national and foreign clients in Life Sciences and Healthcare transactions of different sizes. She represented clients like Merck KGaA, Boehringer Ingelheim, União Química and Virtue Diagnostics in the acquisition of manufacturing facilities, and cross-border transactions for the sale of pharmaceutical, and consumer health assets. Elysangela has acted in transactions with a total amount of approximately R$25 billion (approx. USD 5 billion).

Industry Sector Expertise

Transactional and Regulatory attorney with broad experience in Mergers and Acquisitions in the life sciences and healthcare sectors. Headed the Life Sciences and Healthcare Practice Group at TozziniFreire Advogados for almost 15 years.

Specialties: Merger and Acquisitions, Legal due diligence, Corporate Law, Crossborder Contracts, Clinical Trials, and Health and Life Sciences Regulation


Published in Jota Jornalismo e Technologia:

End of ESPIN accelerates regulation of telemedicine in Brazil

Res Judicata and its possible impacts on M&A transactions

Interoperabiliy in Healthcare: The State of Affairs in Latin America

Medical Advertising: The Power of Social Media in the Evolution of the Concept of Medical Professional Ethics

Expert in these Jurisdictions



Universidade São Judas Tadeu

Bachelor, Law

1994 - 1998

Harvard University

Graduate Studies, Law

2006 - 2006

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Healthcare: Regulatory

Elysangela de Oliveira Rabelo
Elysangela de Oliveira Rabelo
Band 2
Life Sciences

Elysangela de Oliveira Rabelo
Elysangela de Oliveira Rabelo
Band 2

Key Sectors

Provided by RABELO LAW

Health and Life Sciences